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This time the general assembly meeting was hosted by the project partner University of Sofia in Bulgaria. It was conducted from June 16th to June 17th, 2015. The recent project progress was discussed. Also, the advisory board with renowned experts was invited to assess the project progress and to help the consortium continue on an optimal way towards the project goals. There was enough time for the consortium members for discussions in small groups and networking to formulate the progress strategy for the next months, especially in regards to a cross-pillar demonstrator.
The next installment of the renowned BPP conference will be organized by in Vienna! Please find additional information by following the link below: BPP 2015
The general assembly meeting was conducted in Bremen atJacobs University on February 10th and 11th, 2015. The recent project progress was presented, allowing the partners to come to an in-depth understanding of the advances in other pillars, as well as providing an overview of the project as a whole. The main topic of discussion was focused on the exploitation possibilities of the project results. As is common practice at the Intenso project meetings, the work package discussion were conducted to enable the partners to discuss the upcoming tasks in their work packages and to exchange information and knowledge between the project participants and project pillars.
You can find the newest publication of the Intenso project by following the link below: Immobilized palladium(II) ion affinity chromatography for recovery of recombinant proteins with peptide tags containing histidine and cysteine
The first Intenso newsletter is intended to provide insight into the rationale behind the participation of partners, why the Intenso project is so vital to the future of the downstream processing methods used in the biotechnological industry. It also highlights the Monolith Summer School, in which the partners BIA and BOKU also presented the work performed in the Intenso project. Check back for future installments of the Intenso newsletter. 1st Newsletter Intenso
The Intenso project is a diverse consortium of 16 partners, consisting of 5 universities and 11 companies, who are leaders in their respective fields of bio-separation technologies. Funded under the EU-FP7 framework since 2012, the consortium's efforts are focussed on increasing productivity, cost efficiency, and sustainability in the downstream bioprocessing of mAbs, VLPs, pDNA, and various proteins. The project is built upon 4 state-of-the-art scientific pillars, which are aimed at integrating multiple separation steps while increasing separation efficiency.
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